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Genshin Impact UID Tracker
Genshin Impact - UID
Server 24h Current
Honkai: Star Rail - UID  
Server 24h Current
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Genshin Impact

UID Tracker History

Estimates from is not affiliated with miHoYo.
How does AZA.GG know the Account creation date?
AZA.GG's database is the result of processing data collected from various sources. AZA.GG estimates account creation dates using App Market Intelligence (DAU, MAU, Revenue, Downloads), a sample of players, and data from our partners.
How accurate is it?
days(s) ~ Asia: ±1, Amercia: ±8, Europe: ±8, TW/HK/MO: ±30, Celestia(China): ±4, Irminsul(China): ±8 ~ May vary depending on your time zone