Apep found itself swallowed alone amidst the scenery of the catastrophe. All the people, gods, dragons, beasts, birds, and fish. All memories, wisdom, words, and hatred were ground into colorless dust, and the last of the moonlight burned away into a rain of pale fire, falling on the barren land.
Apep once deemed the bottom of the sea of sand to be its grave, not the palace of a dispossessed king. The poison of "wisdom" would soon free Apep from the hatred and anger festering within it over countless moons. Apep had grown weary of the colorless apocalypse. Then, finally, the young god and the golden Traveler let it recall once again, even though the verdant land it once ruled had been reduced to this gilded wasteland, even though Apep and its many offspring had grown twisted and wretched to secure their continued survival therein, Apep still treasured the sight and scenes of the oasis sparkling in its heart.
Strike of the Dispossessed
Deals 2 Normal DMG.
Life Stream
Deals 2 Dendro DMG, draw 1 Awaken, My Kindred
Awaken, My Kindred
When you play this card or Use Action Cards or Character Skill effects to Discard Action Cards from Hand or Deck. this card: Summon 1 independent End Phase: Deal 1 $[K107]. $[K3]: 1.
card and create 1 stack of Oasis Nourishment
Oasis Nourishment
When you play $[C127021]: Spend 1 less Elemental Die. After this card's effect is triggered, 1 Usage of it will be consumed. This card will be discarded immediately once it has 0 Usages remaining.: 1 (Up to 3 stacks)
The End Falls
Deals 2 Dendro DMG, draw 1 Awaken, My Kindred
Awaken, My Kindred
When you play this card or Use Action Cards or Character Skill effects to Discard Action Cards from Hand or Deck. this card: Summon 1 independent End Phase: Deal 1 $[K107]. $[K3]: 1.
card and create 2 stacks of Oasis Nourishment
Oasis Nourishment
When you play $[C127021]: Spend 1 less Elemental Die. After this card's effect is triggered, 1 Usage of it will be consumed. This card will be discarded immediately once it has 0 Usages remaining.: 1 (Up to 3 stacks)
Invokation of Propagation
(Passive) When battle begins, create 5 Awaken, My Kindred
Awaken, My Kindred
When you play this card or Use Action Cards or Character Skill effects to Discard Action Cards from Hand or Deck. this card: Summon 1 independent End Phase: Deal 1 $[K107]. $[K3]: 1.
and place them randomly into your deck. After you summon 4 $[C127022], this character gains Reignited Heart of Oasis
Reignited Heart of Oasis
The character to which this is attached deals +3 DMG. After the character to which this is attached uses a Skill: Remove the When you play $[C127021]: Spend 1 less Elemental Die. $[K3]: 1 (Up to 3 stacks) on your side. Each stack removed heals the attached character for 1 HP.
and obtains 1 $[K6] point.
Source: Reward for accepting the Tavern Challenge at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with the Guardian of Apep's Oasis